Demand Signalling & Forecasting

Are you relying on standard reports and educated guesswork to produce forecasts? Do you include other factors like weather, temperature, latest buying behaviour as part of your forecasting?

Inventory Optimization

Do you have enough stock of the right colour/size/shape at each outlet to maximise your revenues; or do you have too much of the wrong items risking stock write offs which reduce margins?

Customer-Outlet Segmentation

Are you looking to group stores by customer behaviour, by products sold, and by customer willingness to pay? Would you like to group similar stores together, so you can set up the store and run promotions based on such criteria?

Sales Driver Analysis

What are the key influencers and drivers for your product sales? Is it the weather, temperature, advertising or the chatter on Twitter/InstaGram that affects sales? Or is it the price or the promotion on offer?

Audience Profiling

Would you like to know what your social media audience looks like, which part of the country they’re from, who likes/dislikes a particular brand/product/service, and who prefers Twitter to Facebook or Instagram.

Combined Data Analytics

Are you able to map what percentage of your sales is affected by Social Media Activity? Does your product mix across outlets reflect the current trends on pinterest or twitter?

We provide Data Science as a Service to drive your Business Decisions